Dear Friend of a Friend!
I have some gifts for you!
Hello and a warm welcome!!
You’re here because someone we both know sent you to this super secret “back door” page. Well, I’m delighted you’re here! I want to tell you about the cool things your friend and I have lined up for you.
First, if you don’t know who I am, my name is Sophie Lechner. I'm a LinkedIn Coach for Mission-Driven Entrepreneurs.
I was with a Fortune 50 company when LinkedIn was launched, 20 years ago. I used it to build my global network, got invited to speak in several countries, built two businesses and was interviewed for Forbes.
In 2020 I realized LinkedIn is a big unknown for many small business owners. I went back to analyze what I had done that was successful and based on that I created The MAGNET Model, a roadmap for creating a powerful brand around your mission and creating a path to those vital conversations and sales.
To thank you for being here I want to give you a special welcome package, courtesy of your friend.
Here's your Special Welcome Package:
My gifts to you:
Get a free copy of my Interactive Guide: "How to Become a Client MAGNET with these 5 High-Converting Posts". It's my most downloaded resource and people tell me they keep it open in their browser all the time!!
YOUR Golden Ticket includes:
A 20-minute Profile Audit with me, personally. On this short call, we’ll pinpoint the Top 3 things you can do to turn your profile into a client attracting asset.
Because taking action is the only way to progress, we'll schedule a subsequent Profile Audit to review all the work you've done and I'll give you my feedback and suggestions.
At the end of that call, I’ll also give you access to a training to help you create content that resonates with your ideal clients and attracts them like a MAGNET, all while having fun sharing your gifts with the world (which is why you're in business, correct?!)
NOTE: When you click below to book a time, be sure to mention "FRIEND OF [our mutual friend's name]", so I can thank them for sending another awesome human my way!
A Golden Ticket - a super secret bonus only available to friends of friends - see details below
Get on my list to read my weekly emails where I share my thoughts on how to do marketing in way that feels aligned to your values, and tips to leverage LinkedIn.
The "Let Your Profile Do the Talking" training – A 30-minute video that shares a unique approach to attracting clients, getting referrals and expanding your reach so that you can achieve impact, income, and independence.