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Image by Scott Graham

Dear Friend of a Friend!
I have some gifts for you!

Hello and a warm welcome!!

You’re here because someone we both know sent you to this super secret “back door” page. Well, I’m delighted you’re here! I want to tell you about the cool things your friend and I have lined up for you.

First, if you don’t know who I am, my name is Sophie Lechner. I'm a LinkedIn Coach for Mission-Driven Entrepreneurs.


I was with a Fortune 50 company when LinkedIn was launched, 20 years ago. I used it to build my global network, got invited to speak in several countries, built two businesses and was interviewed for Forbes.


In 2020 I realized LinkedIn is a big unknown for many small business owners. I went back to analyze what I had done that was successful and based on that I created The MAGNET Model, a roadmap for creating a powerful brand around your mission and creating a path to those vital conversations and sales.

To thank you for being here I want to give you a special welcome package, courtesy of your friend.


Here's your Special Welcome Package:

My gifts to you:


YOUR Golden Ticket includes:


  1. A 20-minute Profile Audit with me, personally. On this short call, we’ll pinpoint the Top 3 things you can do to turn your profile into a client attracting asset.

  2. Because taking action is the only way to progress, we'll schedule a subsequent Profile Audit to review all the work you've done and I'll give you my feedback and suggestions.

  3. At the end of that call, I’ll also give you access to a training to help you create content that resonates with your ideal clients and attracts them like a MAGNET, all while having fun sharing your gifts with the world (which is why you're in business, correct?!)


NOTE: When you click below to book a time, be sure to mention "FRIEND OF [our mutual friend's name]", so I can thank them for sending another awesome human my way!

  • A Golden Ticket - a super secret bonus only available to friends of friends - see details below

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  • Get on my list to read my weekly emails where I share my thoughts on how to do marketing in way that feels aligned to your values, and tips to leverage LinkedIn.

  • The "Let Your Profile Do the Talking" training – A 30-minute video that shares a unique approach to attracting clients, getting referrals and expanding your reach so that you can achieve impact, income, and independence.

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